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Title Date Icon 15/07/2020

Public Consultation on the Tender Document for the Granting of Spectrum Usage Rights in the 700 MHz, 2 GHz, 3400 – 3800 MHz and 26 GHz frequency bands

Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT) publishes the Public Consultation on the
Tender Document for the granting of rights of use for radio frequencies in the 700 GHz, 2 GHz, 3400
– 3800 MHz and 26 GHz frequency bands.

The draft Tender Document is available (in greek) at the website of the Hellenic
Telecommunications and Post Commission at

The responses should be submitted stating the author’s details and affiliation, in Greek both in
printed form and electronically, no later than the 4th of August 2020 at 15:00, greek time.
Anonymous responses will not be taken into consideration. The responses will be published unedited.
In case that the responses contain confidential elements, they should be placed in a special Annex,
so that they will not be published.

The responses should be submitted in hardcopy to the EETT address (60 Kifissias Avenue, 151 25
Marousi, Athens, Greece) and electronically to the e-mail address:

The responses to the public consultation should be marked as follows:

“ Public Consultation on the Tender Document for the granting of rights of use for radio
frequencies in the 700 GHz, 2 GHz 3400 – 3800 MHz and 26 GHz frequency bands”

In any case, EETT’s obligation to maintain confidentiality does not affect its responsibility to
make available the information that is necessary for the performance of its tasks or where this is
required under a control carried out by Greek or Community authorities.

Participants in EETT public consultations of EETT are aware and agree that any personal data
mentioned in their response may be published together with their reply. About the Privacy Policy of
EETT, please visit EETT Privacy Policy.

During the Public Consultation process, explanatory answers will be provided by EETT in response
to interested parties’ questions.  These questions should be submitted only through the
electronic mail address: and should contain the author’s details
and affiliation.

Draft Tender Document (in greek)

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