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Title Date Icon 13/05/2013

8th International Conference of EETT, 16 & 17 May: Regulation towards a Smart Digital Ecosystem

May 13, 2013

On 16 & 17 May 2013 the 8
th International Conference of EETT on “Regulation towards a Smart Digital Ecosystem”
will be held, at the “DAIS” Cultural Center (Mesogion 151).

On the first day, the Conference will focus on the challenges and opportunities arising for the
postal sector, the prospects for innovative postal services, and the role of converged fixed and
mobile services in the development of a competitive broadband market. On the second day which
concurs with the celebration of World Telecommunications Day, the first two sections will address
the prospects for attracting investment in the development of NGA networks and optimal utilization
of spectrum for new digital services. The last section will focus on the regulatory challenges that
arise regarding the content industry in an environment of converging technologies.

Distinguished speakers from telecommunications and postal companies, the European Commission and
Regulators will discuss these issues, as well as the regulatory, business and technology options to
ensure competition and protect consumer rights, while maximizing benefits for economy.

More information is available on a specially designed
microsite. Note that the
conference will be broadcasted live from the website

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