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Title Date Icon 22/07/2014

Annual Report 2013 by EETT

July 22, 2014

The Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT) published its Annual Report for
the year 2013, demonstrating its multi-sided regulatory, control and supervisory work.

The most important steps taken by EETT during the year can be summarized as follows:

-Protection of consumer rights by imposing increased obligations on providers, the
intensification of controls on the retail market of radio equipment and telecommunications terminal
equipment, the measurement of quality of the universal postal service, and through the availability
of EETT’s web applications for the control of service quality by the consumers themselves.

-Promoting competition and attracting investment through actions such as strengthening the
development of NGA networks, the reduction of termination rates in mobile telephony which led to
the release of new economy programs of bundled services, the reduction in the maximum wholesale and
retail fees of roaming, the deregulation of the retail market for fixed line calls within the Greek
territory, and finally the implementation of the new regulatory framework for electronic
communications and the now liberalized postal market.

-Investment-friendly management of spectrum resources with the transition to digital
terrestrial television, the full utilization of the digital dividend, the simplification of
licensing for wireless networks, and the overall efficient supervision of the spectrum.

On the occasion of the publication of the Annual Report 2013, the President of EETT, Mr. C.
Louropoulos stated that “EETT supervises and regulates two markets, of around €7 billion total
value, which represent approximately 3.5% of GDP, with a multiplying benefit to the country’s
transition to the digital economy. Given that the two-year period of 2013-2014 is a period of
critical decisions and developments in the markets of electronic communications and postal
services, our work continues to focus on the defense of fair competition for the advantage of the
market and the availability of services on the basis of transparency, quality and fair price for
the benefit of consumers. ”

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