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Title Date Icon 16/05/2013

Opening of the 8th EETT International Conference: “Regulation towards a Smart Digital Ecosystem”

May 16, 2013

Regulation for a smart digital ecosystem in the telecommunications and postal market as well as
the challenges and prospects that emerge in the new digital reality, constituted the main subject
of discussion in the work of the two-day 8
th International Conference of EETT that was launched today. Distinguished speakers,
senior executives representing providers from Greek and international telecommunications and postal
services, as well as officials from the European Commission and international regulators
participate in the Conference. The opening was greeted by the Deputy Minister of Development,
Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, Mr. Stavros Kalogiannis.

The Deputy Minister referred to the dynamic prospects of the electronic communications and
postal services markets in our country and the objectives of the Ministry for further development.
In this context and in relation to the electronic communications, the Ministry has already begun,
in cooperation with EETT and agencies of the European Union the creation of a “National Broadband
Strategy” for the development of “advanced broadband infrastructure” and the introduction of
“innovative digital services”. As Mr. Kalogiannis’ noted “it is a big challenge for our Ministry to
develop a comprehensive national fiber infrastructure (FTTH), connecting approximately 2,000,000
households, with an investment mounting to over 1 billion euros, funded by the Greek government and
the European Union”. In regard to the postal services, the Minister highlighted the significant
mobility reported in the market as a result of gradual liberalization and mentioned the
parliamentary initiatives of the Ministry in safeguarding smooth operation, ensuring universal
service and promoting the development of a healthy and balanced competition for the benefit of
users. The Minister concluded his speech by saying: “The digital technology is changing people,
both in the production process as well as in everyday life … Our young scientists bring as a
dowry the Greek language and culture that constitute the best possible asset towards an extended
and multifaceted expression of their creativity”.

The President of EETT and BEREC, Dr. Leonidas Kanellos, highlighted the contribution of both
sectors in the Greek economy, emphasizing on the significant growth prospects. As he noted, “The
convergence of technologies, the increase in broadband penetration, the booming in data traffic in
real time and at high speeds, the smart devices, the hybrid mail, the rapid technological
developments and the range of applications in everyday life, create a new digital ecosystem. An
ecosystem in which we all, State, Regulator, Market, must actively participate fashioning
developments and facilitating its growth for the benefit of the citizens and the economy”.
Furthermore, Dr. Kanellos referred on the interactions of the two markets, noting, inter alia, the
critical contribution of electronic communications in improving the quality of postal services.

The second day of the Conference, in celebration of the World Telecommunication Day (17 May)
will focus, inter alia, on the development of new generation networks in Europe, the optimal use of
spectrum and networks for seamless transmission of content and the effect of the new world of
multiple screens to the interactive media.

The first day speeches of the Conference are available at It is noted that the
Conference is broadcasted live from the EETT website at

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